Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The burden of attack

It's much easier to critique than to create. In chess, it's easier to defend than to attack. Attacking and defending both require creativity, but attacking requires more. Attacking requires you to be able to see things which aren't there; defending requires you to see things which are there, and respond to them accordingly. For these reasons, being White, while an advantage, is also a burden. I think I've always been better at defending than attacking. monvieux even came up with a sobriquet for me: "the answer grape" :-)

Last night, in the final game I played, I had the immense satisfaction of winning on time in a hopelessly lost position. Since I'd already lost twice, however, my blitz rating dropped again; this makes three sessions in a row.

neostreet: 1172 (13-18-1 (32))
monvieux: 1293 (256-201-11 (468))

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